
Dune, with its ample measurements and linear design, is able to elegantly delimit large spaces, but without ever dampening their breath. Whether for indoor or outdoor spaces, Dune is the ideal solution for those who wish to combine functionality and design, creating environments that convey uncompromising elegance and modernity.


Dune, with its ample measurements and linear design, is able to elegantly delimit large spaces, but without ever dampening their breath. Whether for indoor or outdoor spaces, Dune is the ideal solution for those who wish to combine functionality and design, creating environments that convey uncompromising elegance and modernity.

/ Lyxo Design Team

Planter and column, available in both colored and corded light versions or with a battery-powered RGBW kit, allow you to create colorful or bright corners, always full of charm. The ability to adjust the lighting with the RGBW kit allows you to customize the atmosphere, making any space unique and welcoming, both during the day and in the evening hours.



PRL/ standard
FER/ standard
ARG/ standard
GDA/ standard
AMB/ standard
CRT/ standard
AQM/ on demand
AGT/ on demand
QRZ/ on demand
Column / Flower Box


Polyethylene: an impact, weather, salt and UV-resistant material that withstands the most extreme weather conditions (-60C to + 80ºC), preserving colors during its lifetime. It is lightweight and easy to transport. It has minimal environmental impact as it is durable, reusable and 100% recyclable. Due to its hollow body and water resistance, it allows a lighting kit to be integrated inside, achieving IP65 protection.


Per evitare l’accumulo di sporco sul prodotto, si consigli di spolverare e pulire periodicamente le superfici con un panno in microfibra. Per la pulizia dello sporco, utilizzare un panno inumidito di acqua e sapone / detersivo liquido neutro, diluito con acqua. Risciacquare abbondantemente con acqua calda. Lasciare asciugare all'aperto. Per lo sporco più ostinato, si consiglia l’uso dell’idropulitrice ad acqua calda. Non usare detersivi o sgrassatori contenenti acetone, triellina, ammoniaca e sostanze chimiche a base di idrocarburi e solventi. Non usare prodotti abrasivi che potrebbero alterare la finitura superficiale. Se il LED smette di funzionare, non maneggiarlo in nessun caso e contattare il produttore o il distributore del prodotto.
Dune Flower Box
Code: FI307-0800M1
Dim.80x27x80 cm
Dune Column
Code: CL307-0270M1
Dim.27x27x80 cm
Dune Luminous Flower Box
Code: FI307-0800X1
Dim.80x27x80 cm
Dune Luminous Column
Code: CL307-0270X1
Dim.27x27x80 cm
Dune Flower Box
Code: FI307-0800M1
Dim.80x27x80 cm
Dune Column
Code: CL307-0270M1
Dim.27x27x80 cm
Dune Luminous Flower Box
Code: FI307-0800X1
Dim.80x27x80 cm
Dune Luminous Column
Code: CL307-0270X1
Dim.27x27x80 cm

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